
creating that competitive engine


HBMtelemarketing are proud members of the Market Research Society (MRS)

In their own words:

“Research, insight, and analytics stand at the heart of all well-informed commercial, social and political decisions. Insight into what makes a product, business initiative or government policy work is often the hidden - yet defining- factor between success and failure. It is the market research sector that provides deeper intelligence needed for our world today.”

Market & Social

Research Definition

Here is a definition of market and social research from the MRS code of conduct.

“Research is the collection, use, or analysis of information about individuals or organisations intended to establish facts, acquire knowledge or reach conclusions. It uses techniques of the applied social, behavioural and data sciences, statistical principles and theory, to generate insights and support decision-making by providers of goods and services, governments, non-profit organisations and the general public.”

How We Can Help

We provide you with the insight and knowledge through true market intelligence based on evidence and fact through:

Secondary research

Net promoter (NPS) surveys

Rapport building

Client Testimonials

Our mission is to leave a legacy of growth. Through your journey with us we guarantee that you will gain through more confidence in the power and enjoyment of customer engagement, empowerment of your team and ultimately through business expansion.

Don't just take our word for it, see what some of our clients have to say.

Let's Talk

Contact us today to find out more how we can help you.

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